Don't play this or you will die

One day, I was playing on my PlayBox U and playing some Megaman when I heard a knock on my doorbell. I opened the doorbell and saw that it was my buddy old pal, the postman. I knew that this was an odd time for the postman to come around, so I answered the doorbell and saw that it was the postman. The postman handed me a package. The only thing in the package was a CD case for computers and a note. I looked at the note and I recognised the handwriting as being from my buddy old pal, Kyle, and it said
"Dude don't play this or you will die, it happened to me and it can happen to you so just destroy the game"
I recognised the handwriting and I took the CD out of the case, and it said "Don't play this or you will die". I put the CD in my PlayBox and it loaded up the game. It popped up the starting screen for Microsoft 3D Movie Maker, but the music was really quiet. In fact, the music was so quiet that I had to turn on my living room lights just to hear it. I pressed start and the game came on. The music was really quiet and I had to turn on my living room lights on just to hear it. The title screen said "Don't play this or you will die", so I pressed start and the game came on. It was really quiet and you played as Spongeboob. And then I died.